

Mr. Rakesh Kumar Singh was born in the year 1975. In the village Nagaula district Aligarh, U.P. A middle class family of late, mother Late Smt. Premwati Devi and father Teacher Shri Shyaudan Singh, were born in Nanihal where their grand father Late Shri Govind Ram Ji and Late Shrimati Litawati Devi Ji’s paternal love in childhood.

Their Primary Education took place in the government school because father was a teacher in the government school of uttar pradesh father was of the opinion that when the teacher does not teach his children in government school, then who will get their children to be admitted to government school. Due to the thought the education of medical education was completed by the government college, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, and served till the year 2016 in the government hospital of the Delhi Government, at the same time the minor heart attack. This heart attack changed life and the desire to do something for the country. because the government and government machinery work method’s and the people of the country without disturbing the cause, and by the leader’s of the country to intrust all government assets and jobs to private companies, and to ignore the security of women and the health of the government hospital staying in service facilities etc. Seeing all these reasons and by the order of the inner soul, This step was taken in the interest of the public and the country, and walking on the path shown by the parents and the guru’s is also a crime to see that there is a crime due to that being  a decent and calm loving society, this step was taken and our country could become a developed country where employment for all the youth in all directions and all living organisms and human society. For this reason that name of this organization was named Vikas India Party hence the environment of security and peace can be found.

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